The metering cubicles shall be installed electrically in between the incoming supply point and the step-down transformer of the consumer’s installation.
The general arrangement of the cabinet can be done according to your approved specification. Meter cubical is an energy meter it consists of CT and PT.
We have Metering Cubicles as per customer specifications. The 11/22/33KV HT Metering Cubicles is suitable for 3 phase 4 wire indoor installation. It consists of 3 single-phase epoxy resin cast CT’s and 3 numbers of epoxy resin cast PT’s and C.T ratio; 10/5 amp-100/5Amp.
HT-CT – 6.KV, 11KV 22KV and 33KV CT
PT – 6.6KV, 11KV, 22KV and 33KV PT
TERMINAL-11/22/33 KV HT terminal
LT-CT – 3 Phase 100/5 A to 2000/5 A CT
HT Metering Cubicle(HTMC):
is a weatherproof confined compartment for the CTPT unit for HT Consumers. HT Metering Cubicle(HTMC) is a weatherproof confined compartment for the CTPT unit for HT
Consumers include its Protection switchgear, Metering Compartment, and other accessories.
How does a new upgrade in system help to overcome Limitations of the present system:
• The operation of the HTMC is quite simple concerning the overhead system. Isolation in the case
of HTMC is very quick and at the fingertips, and needs a single operation; whereas in the case of
the overhead system it carries out in three steps, as the DO fuses are put off by succeeding operations.
During the handling of the DO Fuses, there are chances by the swing of the DO fuse elements,
it may touch the MS parts of the structure leading to an accident or power supply which may cause interruption.
• In HTMC, the interlock provides between the operation of LBS and earth switch. This not only gives
An extra stitch of safety for operation but also the functioning of the entire system and the
• The HTMC provides an effortless mechanism for the replacement of the CTPT unit as it is done by the trolley
transfer method. The handling is simple and it does not require extra appliances like chain
pulley block. It shortens the time for the replacement of CPT.
• The HTMC with LBS provides exact protection by HRC fuses/ VCB against overhead do fuses.
• The HTMC is mounted on a well-constructed plinth. This provides a simple access point with
Respective of overhead lines. The operator is helped with the operation of the HTMC.
• The HTMC is strongly earthed with the standard earthen system. This enhances the life as well as
safety of the CTPT, human and animal as well. In fact, the solid earthen of the CTPT body is
a must-have condition. Whereas in the case of the overhead line the same get declined
by the passage of time. This can also cause consequences to the functioning of CTPT, in the case of the O/H system.
• In the case of HT installations, an energy meter needs to be installed just below the CPT unit. This may
Cause a very dangerous situation for the staff engaged in testing and vigilance activities.
Certain cases have happened where the outdoor CTPT have exploded resulting in fire, causing
The accident to the staff on duty or outsiders, which will be totally eliminated in the case of HTMC.
•As per the images of the HTMC, it is revealed that it gives the qualitative look for our
the highest revenue-generating HT consumers, safety, power supply reliability and pilfer proof
installation, as well. Consist of its Protection switchgear, Metering Compartment, and other accessories.
Shree Engineering has reached heights to deliver high-quality metering cubicles, load break switches, feeder pillar, CT-BT, Meter Panel etc. to Maharashtra State Electricity Department Limited and other real estate giants in and around Pune